PALASE research station has been officially hosting research since 2012. Here are some of the work that has been carried out at the station and the people involved and publications originating from this work.
Research exchanges
Since 2012, University of Bangor, Wales (Prof J.R. Healey, Dr. J.Wong)
Since 2015, University of Uppsala, Sweden (Prof. M. Lascoux)
Since 2017, Lund University, Sweden (Dr. M. Friberg)
Recent and forthcoming publications
- Pion, Nathalie. (2014) Effect of grazing management practices on the structure of sacred groves in Epirus, Greece. Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Agroforestry, Bangor University.
- Marini Govigli, V., Pion, N., Stara, K., Tsiakiris, R., Wong, J., Healey, J.R., Halley, J.M. 2015. Tree population dynamics and management changes in a socio-ecological system. Insights from Northern Epirus sacred groves. ECSLAND Conference. European Culture expressed in Sacred Landscapes. A tribute to professor Oliver Rackham. 23-24 Απριλίου 2015, Sassari.
- Marini Govigli V., Wong, J., Stara, K., Tsiakiris, R., Healey, J.R, Halley, J.M. (2015) Conceptualizing boundary formation in sacred landscapes: case studies from sacred groves in Northern Epirus, Greece. Paper presentation: XIV World Forestry Congress: forestry and people, investing in a sustainable future, Durban, South Africa, September 2015.
- Cullen, Robert, 2015. Forest dynamics in a Fagus sylvatica dominated forest in North West Greece. Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Science (MSc) in Environmental Forestry, Bangor University.
- Petrén, H., Toräng, Ågren, Friberg, M. (2017) Floral signaling variation and plant mating system evolution in the perennial herb Arabis alpina, (In preparation).
- Petrén, H., Toräng, Ågren, Friberg, M. (2017) Reproductive isolation in relation to plant mating system in the perennial herb Arabis alpina, (In preparation).
- Avtzis DN, Stara K, Sgardeli V, Betsis A, Diamandis S, Healey JR, Kapsalis E, Kati V, Korakis G, Marini Govigli V, Monokrousos N, Muggia L, Nitsiakos V, Papadatou E, Papaioannou H, Rohrer A, Τsiakiris R, van Houtan KS, Vokou D, Wong J and Halley, JM. (2017) Conservation capacity of sacred natural sites varies amongst taxonomic groups across a network of sacred groves. (In preparation).